Within the country profile you can explore global and national indicators and near real-time information on the status and pressures in and around protected areas. You can also select specific metrics and create your report to be exported as a pdf document.
Terrestrial protection
Marine protection
Terrestrial connectivity
is covered by protected areas, are national, are international, and are regional.
Virtual elevation profile of the country providing minimum, maximum, median, mean elevation values in meters.

This indicator assesses the protected area coverage and connectivity (ProtConn) in country expressed in km2 and percentages.

This indicator represents the progress towards Aichi Target 11 of the country.

Number of Terrestrial, Marine and Coastal protected areas in country.

List of Terrestrial, Marine and Coastal protected areas in the country.

Number and protection of Key Biodiversity Areas.

Estimated number of threatened and near threatened species for protected areas in country as extracted from the range maps of the species documented by the IUCN.

Country ranking of the protected areas at least as large as 5 km2 according to the diversity of their habitats.

Country statistics for the amount of below ground carbon

Below Ground Carbon
0 Mg
>8,000 Mg
Country statistics for the amount of soil organic carbon (0-30 cm depth)

Global Soil Organic Carbon (GSOC)
The global soil organic carbon concentration map provides users with essential information on degraded areas and soil fertility as well as on the contribution to carbon storage mitigating climate change.
0 Mg
>25,000 Mg
Country statistics for above ground carbon.

Global Above Ground Carbon
The above-ground carbon (AGC) layer is expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) of biomass per km2.
0 Mg
>25,000 Mg
Country statistics for litter carbon.

Global Litter Carbon
The litter carbon layer is expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) of biomass per km2.
1 Mg/HaSq
>5 Mg/HaSq
Country statistics for dead wood carbon.

Global Dead wood Carbon
The dead wood carbon layer is expressed in Mg (megagrams or tonnes) of biomass per km2.
1 Mg/HaSq
>10 Mg/HaSq
Country statistics for the amount of total carbon (below ground C + organic soil C + above ground C).

Total Carbon
1 Mg
>55,000 Mg
Map of conservation projects funded by the EU (Life and BEST programmes, EuropeAid) and the World Bank. See our other tool eConservation for more details.

Inside PAs
Outside PAs
List of terrestrial ecoregions in country and protected areas coverage statistics.

Gap of Protection towards Aichi Target 11
On target
List of marine ecoregions in country and protected areas coverage statistics.

Gap of Protection towards Aichi Target 11
On target
Areas of permanent and seasonal surface inland water and their changes over time (1984 - 2020) are expressed in km2 and percentages.

Water Occurrence (1984-2020)
The Water Occurrence dataset shows where surface water occurred between 1984 and 2018 and provides information concerning overall water dynamics. This product captures both the intra and inter-annual variability and changes. The occurrence is a measurement of the water presence frequency (expressed as a percentage of the available observations over time actually identified as water). The provided occurrence accommodates for variations in data acquisition over time (i.e. temporal deepness and frequency density of the satellite observations) in order to provide a consistent characterization of the water dynamic over time.
Sometimes Water ( >0% )
Always Water ( 100% )
Forest cover (2000), forest loss (2000-2018) and forest gain (2000-2012) statistics are expressed in km2 and percent of the country area. Maps with the location of the areas of forest gain and loss are also provided.

Forest Loss and Gain
Forest loss/gain layer as derived from a global remote sensing product based on Landsat data. See http://www.globalforestwatch.org/ for more details
Forest Loss
Forest Gain
Virtual elevation profile of the country providing minimum, maximum, median, mean elevation values in meters.

Land Productivity
Persistent severe decline in productivity
Persistent moderate decline in productivity
Stable, but stressed
Stable productivity
Persistent increase in productivity
Virtual elevation profile of the country providing minimum, maximum, median, mean elevation values in meters.

Land Fragmentation
Non Natural
Core Perforation
List of protected areas ≥ 1 km2 and associated pressures..

Using the first aggregation level, the land cover classes are provided for this country for the year 2015 km2 and %.

Land Cover Change (1995 to 2015)
The land cover class change for this country from the years 1995 to 2020 in km2

Land Cover Change (1995 to 2020)
Natural / semi-natural land → Mosaic natural / managed land
Natural / semi-natural land → Cultivated / managed land
Natural / semi-natural land → Water / snow and ice
Mosaic natural / managed land → Natural / semi-natural land
Mosaic natural / managed land → Cultivated / managed land
Mosaic natural / managed land → Water / snow and ice
Cultivated / managed land → Natural / semi-natural land
Cultivated / managed land → Mosaic natural / managed land
Cultivated / managed land → Water / snow and ice
Water / snow and ice → Natural / semi-natural land
Water / snow and ice → Mosaic natural / managed land
Water / snow and ice → Cultivated / managed land
Active fire products from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) for the last 24 hours up to the last 90 days.

Map Layers
Active Fires
Active fires are located on the basis of the so-called thermal anomalies produced by them. The algorithms compare the temperature of a potential fire with the temperature of the land cover around it; if the difference in temperature is above a given threshold, the potential fire is confirmed as an active fire or "hot spot".
Last 1 Day
Active Fires
Active fires are located on the basis of the so-called thermal anomalies produced by them. The algorithms compare the temperature of a potential fire with the temperature of the land cover around it; if the difference in temperature is above a given threshold, the potential fire is confirmed as an active fire or "hot spot".
Last 1 Day
Last 7 Days
Active Fires
Active fires are located on the basis of the so-called thermal anomalies produced by them. The algorithms compare the temperature of a potential fire with the temperature of the land cover around it; if the difference in temperature is above a given threshold, the potential fire is confirmed as an active fire or "hot spot".
Last 1 Day
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
Active Fires
Active fires are located on the basis of the so-called thermal anomalies produced by them. The algorithms compare the temperature of a potential fire with the temperature of the land cover around it; if the difference in temperature is above a given threshold, the potential fire is confirmed as an active fire or "hot spot".
Last 1 Day
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
Last 90 Days
Global historical and current flood events derived from news, governmental, instrumental, and remote sensing sources from the Dartmouth Flood Observatory and Flood hazard 100 year return period Layer from Global Flood Awareness System

Flood hazard 100 year return period
Inundated areas for flood events with a return period of 100 years, based on GloFAS climatology. Permanent water bodies derived from the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database and from the Natural Earth lakes map (naturalearthdata.com).
Shallow (less than 1m)
Moderate (between 1 and 3 m)
Deep (between 3 and 10 m)
Very deep (permanent water)
The NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW) twice-weekly 50-km Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomaly product displays the difference between today's SST and the long-term average. The scale goes from -5 to +5 °C.

Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies
The NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW) twice-weekly 50-km Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomaly product displays the difference between today's SST and the long-term average. The scale goes from -5 to +5 °C. Positive numbers mean the temperature is warmer than average; negative means cooler than average. More at NOAA Website Please zoom out to see the layer
The NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW) twice-weekly 50-km Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomaly product displays the difference between today's SST and the long-term average. The scale goes from -5 to +5 °C.

Coral Bleaching Heat Stress Alerts
Level of stress of the Global Coral Reefs derived from NOAA Alerts Bleaching Alerts. More at: NOAA Website Please zoom out to see the layer
No Stress
Alert Level 1
Alert Level 2
Map layers of species richness as reported by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Map Layers
Amphibian Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Bird Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Mammal Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Shark and Rays Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Coral Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Map layers of endemic species richness as reported by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Map Layers
Endemic Amphibian Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Endemic Bird Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Endemic Mammal Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Endemic Shark and Rays Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Endemic Coral Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Map layers of treatened endemic species richness as reported by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Map Layers
Threatended Endemic Amphibian Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Threatended Endemic Bird Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Threatended Endemic Mammal Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Threatended Endemic Shark and Rays Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
Threatended Endemic Coral Species Richness
Species will not necessarily be present in the protected area. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is complete for some groups (mammals, birds, amphibians, sharks and rays, mangroves, seagrasses, cycads, conifers, and selected marine, freshwater and invertebrate taxa), but not complete for many others (e.g., reptiles). We therefore have generated our key species indicators for the globally assessed major taxonomic groups of birds, mammals, amphibians, warm-water reef-building corals and rays & sharks only. Species ranges are mapped as generalized polygons which often include areas of unsuitable habitat, and therefore species may not occur in all of the areas where they are mapped. In general, for range-restricted taxa, ranges are mapped with a higher degree of accuracy, sometimes down to the level of individual subpopulations, compared with more widely distributed species. Threatened = species assessed in any of the three threatened Red List categories (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) See http://www.iucnredlist.org/ for more details.
Low richness
High richness
The number of animal and plant species as reported by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

The number of threatened, endemic and assessed amphibian, bird and mammals species as reported by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

The number of threatened and endemic vertebrates as reported by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

The species list in country is computed from the species ranges recorded in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species



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